Thursday, 20 June 2013

Evernight Teen Summer Kick Off Blog Hop

I don't know about you, but I am totally stoked for summer! The last month of school is absolutely crazy, and with my change of school coming up, I have to pack everything I own at school and bring it home. Plus I have to mark a gazillion assignments, write an insane number of report cards, and try not to wander the halls muttering to myself and pulling out my hair. Next Friday cannot come soon enough!

But what to do with this lovely vacation coming up? Well, my first priority is to finish re-writing my book. It's damn hard to be a writer when you've already got a full-time job and a family, so the revision just isn't happening as fast as I'd like it to. I plan to give it my full attention beginning next Saturday, and hopefully it'll be in to the publisher around the middle of the month.

Then what? My To-Be-Read pile has become a teetering pile which is bound to fall on the cat the next time he rubs his face against it. Okay, not really because these days I buy mostly e-books and read them on my phone. They're just so much more portable, and I don't have to throw my back out lugging around a hundred books or more.

Image from

So what's at the top of my list? Kelley Armstrong. The final book in her Darkness Rising trilogy was released in April and I haven't read it yet. *hangs head in shame* I'm a bad fan. But I wanted to reread the first two books, and I couldn't find my copy of the first one, so I tried to borrow it from the school library, but someone already had it so I had to wait... Well, you get the picture.

Also taking up space in the TBR pile are the books by my fellow Evernight Teen authors. I've already read Elysium by Sylah Sloan, and Phoenix: The Rising by Bette Maybee, both of which I strongly recommend. I've begun Shrapnel by Stephanie Lawton but haven't had time to finish it yet. I own all the other books currently in the ET line-up and I'm getting anxious to finally have time to read them!

What's in your summer reading pile? I'd love to hear some recommendations, and as a reward, I will give one lucky commenter a $10 gift card to Evernight Teen! If you want, you can hang onto it until my book comes out, but if you're anything like me and desperate to spend anything you get, you can use it to pick up one or two of the fabulous books written by my colleagues.

But wait! There's more!

  • One lucky hopper will win a KINDLE PAPERWHITE eREADER sponsored by Evernight Teen!
  • Every book blogger/reviewer site is giving away one free eBook from Evernight Teen (winner's choice of any eBook from Evernight Teen's website).
  • Each author offers their own unique prize! So visit each blog hop stop for a host of fabulous prizes to win. You may even find some exciting excerpts from my book at a few of them!
Be sure to leave your answer and your email address in the comments below to be eligible to win a prize, then continue hopping to the next stop!

Happy Reading!

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