Friday, 24 January 2014

Happy Birthday Evernight Teen!

It's Evernight Teen's first birthday and we're having a blog hop to celebrate!

One year ago, ET launched with the publication of Phoenix: The Rising by Bette Maybee. Since then, they've acquired a couple dozen titles, including my book, X5. Many of my fellow authors are participating in this hop, as well as other book bloggers and reviewers, and there are prizes to be had at every turn!

The grand prize being offered by ET is a $100 iTunes gift card. Did you know you can purchase ET's books on iTunes?

In addition, ET is offering 25% off all their books at their website. And there are some amazing books to be had.

For my part, I'm offering a $10 Amazon gift card. Wanna win? Read on!

ET has a Pinterest account and boards for all their books, including mine.  Check it out here. I've selected some pictures and snippets from the book to go with them. For your chance to win, let me know which pic you liked best and why. Don't forget to leave a valid email address otherwise I can't contact you if you win. There are lots of prizes at the other stops and don't forget to use the Rafflecopter to enter for the Grand Prize.

And as a special treat, I've posted the first chapter of X5 under the Free Reads tab above (or just click here).

Happy Hopping!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available. a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I must say I liked them all! For me it was between the second and third one! The second has me remembering be a young teenager again and the feelings you get when your in love the first time! The second held mystery to me wandering what had really happened in their life, but they were all really great and each one had my curiosity piqued . Thanks and have a great day!

  2. They were all wonderful in their own way, each different and unique, but I found myself drawn to the embracing couple. The quote is something I can truly relate to in my own life. Thank you for being in the hop!
    kbinmich AT yahoo DOT com

  3. I like them all, but my favourite had to be number 4. The trees with the light of the moon just shining through. The texture of the picture is amazing.

  4. I like the pinterest photo of the trees. It looks mysterious and suspenseful and something I want to learn more about!

    books4me67 at ymail dot com

  5. I liked the picture with all the question marks that said future because its so true for everybody. Thanks for the giveaway and hopping.

    brittanyhenslee at yahoo dot com

  6. I really liked the picture of the girl and boy hugging. That picture with the quote underneath of it is awesome and really beautiful. X5 sounds like a really great read. Thanks for the giveaway and for participating in the hop.
    Happy Birthday Evernight Teen
    jjacobs21 (at) radford (dot) edu

  7. I like the pictures about lies . Something about it just talks to me .

  8. I liked several of them but my fave was the tree one. I liked the quote underneath as well. I am following by email lorih824 at yahoo dot com.

  9. I like the picture of the couple. The X5 color (red) pops.

    jmesparza821 at gmail dot com

  10. I like the one with the tree branches. Creepy and interesting.
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

  11. I like the one with the trees and the moon breaking through. There's a story to tell there :)

  12. I liked the picture with the couple and the quote can't you just remember those feelings cjlps23 at gmail dot com

  13. I like the picture of the trees and the moon.
    It is beautiful!
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  14. I loved the picture with the couple embracing! Oh to be young again!

  15. My favorite Pinterest photo is of the thick woods because it looks so mysterious and inviting!

  16. Happy Birthday Evernight Teen :).. thanks for the great giveaway!!!
    velastarr926 (at)
